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Purolyt is a dis­in­fect­ant con­cen­trate based on hy­po­chlor­ous acid (HO­Cl).

Purolyt was de­veloped spe­cific­ally in or­der to help garden­ers keep­ing their green­house­s, garden­ing tools, propag­at­or­s, in­ert sub­strates as well as hy­dro­ponic sys­tems and nu­tri­ent solu­tions free from un­desir­able mi­croor­gan­isms and biofilms.

The GAMECHANGER Purolyt opens up en­tirely new pos­sib­il­it­ies for plant cul­tiv­a­tion us­ing VPD tables, as a clean en­vir­on­ment al­lows for cul­tiv­a­tion even at high tem­per­at­ures and high hu­mid­ity levels. Fi­nally, it is now pos­sible to use the whole po­ten­tial of the plant­s’ ge­net­ic­s.

Avail­able in 250 ml, 500 ml, 1000 ml bottles and 5 litre can­is­ter­s.

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Purolyt is a dis­in­fect­ant con­cen­trate based on hy­po­chlor­ous acid (HO­Cl).

Purolyt was de­veloped spe­cific­ally in or­der to help garden­ers keep­ing their green­house­s, garden­ing tools, propag­at­or­s, in­ert sub­strates as well as hy­dro­ponic sys­tems and nu­tri­ent solu­tions free from un­desir­able mi­croor­gan­isms and biofilms.

The GAMECHANGER Purolyt opens up en­tirely new pos­sib­il­it­ies for plant cul­tiv­a­tion us­ing VPD tables, as a clean en­vir­on­ment al­lows for cul­tiv­a­tion even at high tem­per­at­ures and high hu­mid­ity levels. Fi­nally, it is now pos­sible to use the whole po­ten­tial of the plant­s’ ge­net­ic­s.

Avail­able in 250 ml, 500 ml, 1000 ml bottles and 5 litre can­is­ter­s.

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